Monday, January 20, 2014

3rd Birthday Celebrations

The school's birthday tradition is for the birthday child to choose a book to donate to the school and the parent (or grandparent) reads the book to the class while the birthday child sits in the seat of honor wearing a crown.

The birthday party at the apartment was a big success - the children had fun and we all enjoyed meeting their parents.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Home, not so sweet, home

Arrived home about 9pm last night to find the basement flooded, no heat, house at 29 degrees, and no water in any of the bathrooms.  The furnace repair people could not get the needed part so we are without heat until tomorrow.  We bought a pump and are pumping out the water from the basement and using the fireplace and space heaters to get a bit of warmth - we are now up to 45 degrees in the family room.  The plumber is coming after he deals with a couple of other people with broken-pipe problems.  Not fun.

Frosted door

Frozen toilet

Frozen Grandpa

Sunday, January 5, 2014



 So good to see Jenny and Patrick

 Family photo

 Chris caught in a graceful moment; before the effort of getting IN the boat, and after the effort of getting OUT of the boat.

Mexico Photos. Where is Tim???

Lots of rain

 Such big kids.

 Nice to see you Josh and family!

 Ben seasick!

 Go Delta Gamma!

Snorkeling photos to follow!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Southern Yucatan and Las Ruinas

The terrain here is very green with rolling hills, quite different than the north.  Chetumal was not very picturesque but we enjoyed it.  There was a great Mayan culture museum and good food.  The last 2 days we have visited 4 different ruins, all in gorgeous jungle settings.  The most magnificent was Becan where we were alone except for a family that was leaving as we were coming in and later, a mother and daughter.  Tomorrow is a 2.5 hour drive each way, on a bad road to Calakmul.

The most massive building at Becan

Tallest building at Becan - we climbed it (there was a rope)

View from the top - not for grandchildren or Chris