Sunday, May 31, 2015

Tiny House Moving Date Set

We're moving the Tiny House out to Shadow Lake on June 16th. So much is just half done. I guess I will continue to work on it next winter..... We still have to finish bolting the house to the trailer. We totally burned through the drill last week after only 4 bolts. 4 yet to go. Here are some photos of recent pr
 Still need to paint the support blue.

 Table up.

 Table down.

 Kitchen corner.

 Running water! Not yet done though.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Nicole!!

Too bad to miss this birthday but we had a great time at your graduation.

Catch us another in 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Nicole's Graduation from University of Arizona

Behind our rented house where lots of wildlife wandered thru including javelina.

Outside Nicole's house.  Tim is missing because he was on the phone.

Pet friends at a ranch we visited.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Little of This and That

Last week in review:

Liam turned 10!!!!Double digits.

Grandma and Grandpa helped out on the 'Tinier House'

Bob is umping Little League games

We finished the puzzle Grandma (or I should say, the boys finished the puzzle Grandma.)

 Well... it did taste good. Our house is not as messy as it appears in this photo!

 Awe, a thing of beauty!