Sunday, March 23, 2014

Introducing Shadow Lake

We have 2 weeks to make our decision about buying this piece of property. The lake is beautiful; over 50 acres, deep, clean, and not very developed due to a good part of the shoreline having been preserved for wetland diversity. That's the good new. The down side is that we are buying a peat bog: aka a swamp. The piece of property however is quite lovely. The forest is very sparse and open, and at this time of year quite green with the moss. The adjoining piece of property is owned by a non-profit organization that is trying to preserve the peat bog ecosystem. One of the last remaining intact bogs in King County. Because of the 1/2 an acre feels much larger.

 This is a community dock at the North end of the lake.

 The distant floating dock comes with the property

 The road to Shadow Lake. We had to park at the gate as we don't have a key. All the land to the right and at the end of the road is part of a protected area.

 Derelict travel trailer.

 The understory.

 Look at this artifact! Was I 'meant' to have this property or what!? Usable picnic table in the background. Just needs a few boards replaced. "Grass" needs mowing (as well as all those noxious sapling. I am sure they are an invasive species.)

The trailer, although vintage, and at one time very cute is completely trashed and will have to be hauled away. I thought we were going to find human body remains in there. Inexpensive travel trailers though, are easy to find on Craig's list, so I think we will have a cabin-like place to stay come the summer. What did I do before Craig's list? I have also found sunfish and Snarks galore for re-sale, but I think I ought to buy the property before I start to clutter it with boats.


  1. Looks beautiful. The non-profit across the street has interesting sounding walks through the bog. I saw that a large cougar was spotted in 2003. Did you see anyone around when you were there?

  2. I have been to the property 4 times now. The first time there was a couple from the near-by suburb taking their dog for a walk. All the other times I have not seen a soul. We found the 'For Sale' sign folded up in a cabinet in the trailer, so I think there has been someone spending the night there, who was interested in keeping the property a secret. At least there were no needles or liquor bottles in evidence. Probably just some recluse. The bedding looked very old and soggy when we were there yesterday.

  3. It looks really nice! Who could resist a place with a welcome barrel to work on balance and maybe a circus act! The lake looks nice also.

  4. I feel that the barrel is a sign.
