Thursday, February 19, 2015


A Good Day to Be A Boy: Not a Good Day to Be a Dog

Lottie had her knee surgery on Tuesday; to repair a damaged ligament. The boys and I drove her to a country vet about 1 hour North of here in Mount Vernon. I saved us $2,000 by driving her up there!

 Very Elizabethan.

After drop off we did some Tumbleweed Adventuring (I call it that when you follow your whimsy.) We had a marvelous pancake breakfast in a small town café located next to a Card and Coin shop (!) --great for Ben who found some baseball card 'must haves'. And, the café was across from a toy store that had Lego for Liam to spend Christmas money on. That was a fun morning.

We then decided to travel south in search of bald eagles along the Skagit River. They come by the hundreds to feed on the salmon carcasses every winter. We counted at least 10. We visited an alpaca farm that we happened to pass by,  and witnessed the white alpaca in the photo below spitting at one of the brown ones. Very funny. She sounded just like a human spitting.

 Such a beautiful day for a road trip.

 Isn't that a funny toed hoof?

Then we stumbled on what we thought was a junk yard, but turned out to be the house of a "folk artist" who makes wonderful pieces from other people's trash. He calls it "unart." Here are some photos of his stuff. He talked to us for over an hour....probably lonely. He was a very funny and interesting person; quite the philosopher. We enjoyed his company.

 My absolute favorite. Try and identify some of the dress adornments.

 Here's something you all could do with wine bottle corks....
That night, after Liam had gone to bed, he called down from upstairs to say "That was a really good day.!" Yes, indeed.


  1. Did Lotte come home on the same day as the surgery? Is she staying off her feet? It looks so beautiful there compared to our bleakness. So far, Feb has had only one day without measurable snow. How did today go?

  2. In order: No, Kind-of, and OK.

    Lottie is home and spending most of the time in her crate. She has to wear the "Cone of Shame" when nobody is home to prevent her from licking her stitches. She is like a doggy Houdini, though, and able to remove the cone in about 5 seconds. Last night I was trying to get her to wear it, and I would put it on, turn off the light, and before I could even lie down she would have it off. Today I tightened things with some success. Tomorrow I will be at work for 8 hours. My fingers will be crossed....

    The biopsy went fine. I will get results in 3 business days. You will be among the first to hear the results.

    We have had good weather here. The skiers are depressed, and our water bills could be very high this summer.

  3. Hope Lottie feel better soon.
    Looks like you guys had a lot of fun out there.

  4. Great day. Perhaps you can get some of that sour apple to put on Lottie's stitches. Do you have to go back to get them out or do they dissolve?

    Tui and I will start saving our corks.
