Sunday, May 31, 2015

Tiny House Moving Date Set

We're moving the Tiny House out to Shadow Lake on June 16th. So much is just half done. I guess I will continue to work on it next winter..... We still have to finish bolting the house to the trailer. We totally burned through the drill last week after only 4 bolts. 4 yet to go. Here are some photos of recent pr
 Still need to paint the support blue.

 Table up.

 Table down.

 Kitchen corner.

 Running water! Not yet done though.


  1. It all looks great. You rearranged from your original plan. Looks like the loft is in and it does not seem at all claustrophobic - quite light and airy.

  2. It is very open and airy. With an outdoor cooking area it will be just perfect.

  3. Looks fantastic! I can see "granny flats*" in our future.
    Love, Dad
    *an Australian term, I stayed in once in one of my weeks in Perth.
