Sunday, November 1, 2015

Rainy Days in the Northwest

We were all out at Shadow Lake today clearing brush, and working on the sleeping porch addition to the tiny house. I am trying to relocate the native Salal and grasses that will have to be destroyed by the porch decking. Ultimately there will be a deck, and collapsible screen porch.
 I forgot the keys today so we had to walk in the rain from the gate, and couldn't get into the tiny house for cloths/ hot chocolate makings, etc. We stopped off at McDonalds on the way home.

The roof is hinged, so if we want to transport the house in the future, we can.

We all went to a Halloween party on Friday. Bob and I chose costumes that reflected our alter egos. Bob called himself a bankster. Liam is some sort of video character, Ben's costume entailed a work coat, and fake cigarette made from a straw (?I didn't get it either. Whatever!) Anyways, he took the photo.
 Me and my Daddy-o
The boys and I spent last Sunday at a work party for the Duwamish River. The river is a superfund site. It drains out into Elliot bay just South of Downtown. There has been a big push to clean it up since 2001, and the efforts are starting to pay off.
 Ben worked very hard and planted many, many native plants. Here he is working on putting in a Salmon berry.

 Some of the clean-up crew worked from kayaks. We plan on doing that next Spring.

 Liam was very into trying every kind of tool.
 That's all for now. Looking forward to seeing everybody in Mexico!


  1. Fun post! I love seeing pictures of your tiny house-I watch a show on HGTV about people looking for them to live in. Would love to see more pictures of the interior.

  2. Hi Kamala. Just now the interior looks like a stuffed shed-- lawn chairs/BBQ etc. My house is a 'tinier' house. just 60 square feet with loft.....a shed on wheels. But, I will post interior photos next summer when the sleeping porch is done, and the space is not such a storage unit.

  3. You guys have been really busy. I hope the roof of the sleeping porch will have more of a slant to it than is shown now. It looks like it will be a good place to eat or sit in a light rain. Is the Duwamish river the one where that cottage was?
