Sunday, February 7, 2010

Liam's 1st bicycle ride without training wheels

It was sunny and in the 60's yesturday. Ben was up early and answered the telephone at 4:45AM. It was the hospital asking if I wanted the day off as they were overstaffed on our floor. Whoopee! We took Liam's training wheels off and he learned in no time flat how to peddle a two wheeler.

The crocuses are opening, and I'm ready to plant peas, broccoli, and greens. They say we owe this mild winter to 'El Nino'.

1 comment:

  1. Good for Liam, now you can take family bike rides. Sounds like your weather was better than California where it rained most of Friday and Saturday and caused Disneyland to cancel their fireworks. We did get into the pool and then the jacuzi Saturday evening. It has been nice since then but cool.
