Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer 2010

Going to Uncle Tims house for the week was really fun and relaxing but when I came home I went straight to work. This is now my second week of work and I really like it. The kids can sometimes get out of control but thats what lowering stars are for. (Ive only given 1 yellow). My hours now are 630am-8am & 2-5pm, monday-friday. Hope you guys are having a good summer!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday NY Times at the Lake

We got a new Verizon mobile wifi hotspot device

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The NW Pacific Coast is Desolate and Beautiful

The boys and I went camping with some friends this last week and had a wonderful time exploring the WA coast line and rainforst. The area is sparcely populated and quite desolate. What few towns are there are on Indian reservations. The beaches are amazing; piled high with the carcasses of ancient forests thrown haphazardly by the incredible strength of the ocean.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mirror Lake Hike

We had an eventful hike up to Mirror Lake yesturday. The bogs above the lake were full of frogs and tadpoles, and the mosquitos were ferocious. I counted 22 bites on Liam's back this morning, and 27 on Ben's, and I wasn't even trying! They spent too long scrambling around the ponds catching frogs without shirts on.

The hike was shorter than I remember it. Bob thinks that's because the kids are bigger and faster.... Probably. They certainly are. As usual, considering it's only 1 1/2 hour from Seattle, there were few people along the trail. We didn't swim this time. The air wasn't quite warm enough.

Anyone care to join us for a repeat hike at the beginning of September? The bogs'll be dry so less mosquitos. The wild blueberries will be ripe, and the water will be warmer.