Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starched Ghosts

As always, we had a lovely visit with Mom and Dad. Photos are slim pickings however, as we forgot to take a camera with us ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. Highlights for me included the Picasso exhibit for which Bob took a rare day off, as well as the fantastic dinner that Mom and Dad cooked up and I enjoyed after working all day. So nice to come home to a happy house with chores already done!
We'll miss you all at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but February is not too far away.


  1. Yes, the Picasso exhibit followed by lunch was great. The pumpkin patch was also fun especially since we were there during the only interlude with no rain and blue patches in the sky. Dad and I also enjoyed hearing the violin and piano playing.

  2. I think you could probably guess - beans and greens, tri-tip steaks, salad, and mashed potatos.
