Saturday, February 26, 2011

White Knuckle Driving in LA

We made it. We're about 10 miles from the border in San Diego, and have driven virtually the whole of our country's beautiful and ever changing coast. The driving has been generally easy; and for much of the trip in Oregon and Northern California we shared the road with just a few other cars. Ahhh, but then we hit the LA freeways. Oh My God! It's terrifying. Anything less than 70, and you become a menace to the road. Cars weave around the freeway going 80-85 MPH. Crazy! I wonder what the per capita car accident rate is in Southern CA. Anyways, we are here at Chris's with our bodies intact. Bob arrives today, and then it's off to Mexico tomorrow.


  1. I posted this on the wrong blog!

  2. I wondered about that. You should copy to your trip blog so the other followers can see. Also, why don't you sign Liam up as a contributor? He could post his favorite thing each day.

  3. Bob can sign Liam up tonight.... We thought that we had, but something went wrong. Chris and I tried to copy and past to the other blog but were unsuccesful.Sigh. My knight in shining armour arrives at 1:45.
