Sunday, April 17, 2011

A White Christmas-like experience on April 17!

Driving back and forth yesterday in the rain resulted in a very muddy Jaguar, so about an hour ago I thought, "nice sunny day, I will wash the car and then we can go back to Rochester." Half way finished the wind changed to come off the lake, the temperature dropped from 45 to 33 degrees, and we were in the middle of a lake effect snowstorm with now flakes coming down that must be an inch in diameter. Not up to tornados in North Carolina, but still an interesting freak of nature. In spite of this excitement, the car appears to be reasonably clean and the snow tires are still in place so I expect we will make it home in one piece.


  1. We are home from Detroit, yes the snow!! So much water, it did not rain that much, where did it come from. See you at the pool tomorrow.

  2. Looks miserable and cold.
