Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Selling Worms with Grandma Jan (by the way, the baby crows have arrived)

Lots of news here in Seattle:

'Worm Brothers' is now open for business. The boys sold red wiggler composting worms at the Ballard Sunday Market this week. They sold 4 boxes! And, had alot of fun. Liam is quite the salesman, and was talking all the kids into a look at their sample worm bin set up next to the table. They are taking orders if anyone wants Worm Brother's worms delivered!

The baby crows have arrived, and both parents are quite skittish. They do not mind at all the boys playing under the tree, screaming, shouting, playing ball, or swinging on the playstructure close by. But, this afternoon, Ben was looking at the nest with a tele-photo lens and both parents dive bombed him. He said he could feel his hair move when they went by. Poor Lottie gets no rest when she goes out in the backyard, but is constantly swooped on and cawed at. Amazingly the crows recognize different faces. Jan was out in the garden alone the first day she was here, and for hours they cawed and cawed at her. They now recognize her as family though, and leave her in peace.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


Here's Cameron peeking out from her stroller during a walk.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Weekend Brunch

We took the kids out for brunch last weekend. Here's Melissa and Sydney.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Yesterday was prom and I spent all day getting ready for the night out. Hair appointment at 11:30, makeup at 3, be home by 4 to meet with Josh (my date), pictures with friends at 5, and dinner at 7:30. It was definitly a busy day but was really fun. Here are some pictures:

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy mothers day grandma! Hope you enjoyed the edible arrangements. Love you!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tim and Melissa and the babies coming to San Diego

We are looking forward to seeing them this weekend on Coronodo Island. Tui and I may get daring and try to Bike there on Sunday morning. Fortunately we will start off much higher than sea level. Nicole has offered to pick us up.

It is Nicole's prom weekend so we should have some good pictures next week.