Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a quiet but lovely Thanksgiving.

At noon, we took a walk at Carkeek park in the pouring rain. We were happily rewarded for our efforts with the sighting of many chum salmon coming up to spawn in the creek. Their bodies are quite tattered by the time they get the 1/4 mile up from the sound to the spawning area. They look tired and near death (a feeling reenforced by the dead carcasses along the creek banks.) We then came home and the boys threw their soaked clothes in the washer, and had hot chocolate. What is most incredible, is that here in Seattle, we were not alone in our soggy Thanksgiving walk. There were quite a few people out, and even one family playing football in the waterlogged field to the side of the creek.

Ben's idea to have candlelight for dinner, and serving the boys carbonated cider in wine glasses, made our dinner fun and memorable to them. A good thing as neither of them like stuffing(!) or sweet potato, or cranberry sauce, or even turkey that much(!!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. We too had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Nathan likes all the traditional food and Nicole had everything except apple salad. We went for a walk to the other side of the canyon and when we got back the turkey was done 1 hour ahead of schedule, so we had an early dinner. The twins and Melissa came home last night. Today we will do a beach walk, maybe as far a Venice. We miss you Ben, Liam, Sarah, and Bob.
