Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snowing In Seattle

We are having our yearly snow holiday here in Seattle. It's very lovely. The forecast was for a monumental storm, and caused the school district to panic and close schools before even a flake had fallen in our neighborhood. Bob was sent home from work at about noon yesturday. The storm has turned out to be only about 4 inches around us; enough to paralyse motor transportation, and bring everybody to the community center with sleds and skis. I just returned from a ski trip to the grocery store for hot chocolate and dinner makings.

I feel very lucky that snow fell on a Wednesday, and I don't have to make my way through downtown to work. It is supposed to warm up beginning this evening, although I would not be surprised of school was out for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

  1. It looks pretty. We heard that 6 inches were expected and that Seattle is not prepared for that much snow. It would be hard to clear the streets with all the parked cars.
