Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Weekend in the Mountains at Lake Wenatchee

We spent a really fun weekend with some friends at Lake Wenatchee. The weather was hot and sunny (for Seattle people that is still a thrill.) And, the nearby canoeing/kayaking from the cabin was very interesting. We were able to paddle up the deep and slow moving White River- it gets it's name from the color of the water; it must be glacial fed; and, passed many hours on one of the sand bars swimming in the freezing water. The sandbar was covered with animal tracks including cat, heron, deer, possibly turtle, and many others we couldn't identify.

We also did a 3 hour float down the Wenatchee River on what was supposed to be a 1+ ie. moving flat water, but for the last mile or so was a series of class 2 rapids. I think it testimony to my and my friend Laurie's paddling ability that we got our inflatable sea kayak which was towing 2 kids on 2 inner tubes, through the series of rock gardens with only a few bumps and bruises. We lost Margo's inner tube at one point, and she got bumped about but managed to keep ahold of Ben's tube through that ordeal.

It was really terrifying.

Bob had Liam on 2 other inner tubes holding on to an inflatable river kayak which sat much higher above the river, and so had better visibility to see what was coming, making it easier to avoid the holes and rocks. Liam also fell off at one point but only banged his pinky toe, and Bob caught him before he went down the river alone. Bob lost hold of the sea kayak during one of the rapids and
wound up floating in the inner tube with no way to stear.

I may never go on a river trip again without a guide. Bob, says it was fun. Ben never wants to do it again, and Liam is undecided.

Here are a few photos:


  1. Looks beautiful but sounds too exciting. Ben seemed to be the only one without mishap but he doesn't want to go again? Was Bill there too?

  2. Bill was in the river kayak with Rebecca who is 15.

    Ben said his arm was getting pulled out of it's socket hanging on (actually he yelled that as we were in the midst of white water.) I had tied my skirt to the back of the kayak for him to hold on to, and I think our path down the river was very jerky with the waves and holes and rocks. By the way, both Bill and Bob will 'poo poo' Laurie's and my terror.... but, they were sitting at least a foot above the river, and the sea kayak rides very low, had wateer in it, and was not inflated fully. The kids were behind us too. We just had to trust that they could hang on.

  3. Too scary. Lovely spot, though.

  4. I took a gorgeous ride on the Mail boat up Lake Chelan as a kid. Loved it. I thought that was where where you were. That was wild in its quiet way. There were no roads up there at that time. I looked in my WA guidebook and see that many outfitters are listed for your trip on the Wenatchee R. I agree with your mom, too exciting. Guess those are the best trips though. See you soon on the often quiet Lake Ontario!
