Monday, April 20, 2015

Visiting the Volcanos in our Backyard

We got back yesterday from a 4 day trip to Mount Rainier and Mount St Helen's. Quite a fantastic trip which has left me wondering why we do not go hiking on these volcanos more often. Mount St Helen's was especially interesting as it's recent eruption in 1980 left a still visible mark on the scenery. We walked a lava tube that was a mile long, pitch black and at times 30 feet tall. Amazing.
 Ben and I are almost the same height.

 Nearby artist whose front yard is an fanciful collection of his metal work.

 Snow at 10,000 on Mt Rainier.

 1000 year old trees located on an island in a river.

 The flood zone of one of Rainier's many rivers. The river itself is practically invisible, it's flood area spans hundreds of feet and is littered with gigantic trees that have been uprooted and carried along.

 The start to a lava tube on Mount St. Helen's

 Trillium blooming in the woods.

 Hardened lava.

 Lava canyon.

 Enlarge the photo and you can see how the area has changed since 1980.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Looks like you guys have a very good time out there.

  2. How far a drive from your house?

  3. 21/2 - 3 hours. I think we should have our next Family reunion here in Washignton. I'll show you guys a link to a large house on shadow Lake that we could rent. We caould plan day fishing on the sound, and days at the mountains...
