Monday, July 13, 2015

Catching Up

We had a great time in Vegas with Jeff and Missy celebrating our 50th birthdays this year.  Temperature outside was 115F during the day so we spent a lot of time in the pool.  A friend from San Diego got us free blue man tickets which was a fun show.  We won on the first night which made for a good weekend.

We found another nice park in Plano.  It has a nice wooded section following a creek.  There was signs that the water along the trail was above our heads in the storm.  As the creek was 15 feet lower in a ravine it gives the sense of the dangers of flash floods.  Also nearly stepped on a copper head snake.  It turns out there is a bike trail to the park from our apartment so we did this this weekend.

We attended July fourth at the Laos temple.  They had about a two hour firework show and concert.  The grand finale was great.  I think fireworks are cheaper in Texas.
Tui has started work,  She starts every day at 6:00 so I have been getting up at 5:00 and making coffee.  She got her first paycheck yesterday.
Today we went back to our favorite place, the Dallas Arboretum.  Lots of new flowers.  The Crape Myrtle really is blooming well in Texas.


  1. Looks like good times. What is Tui's new job?

    I bet the snakes and bugs are bad this year with all the rain. I just listened to a NPR piece on another Texas native called the Tarantula wasp. Apparently the sting causes some of the worst pain known to Man.

  2. The name of the insect is actually the 'Tarantula Hawk Wasp'

  3. The wasp sounds nasty. I think I have seen a few around. I read they are docile unless provoked. Tui is working at St Jude Medical building a device that relieves chronic pain.

  4. Sounds like an interesting job. They're letting her take a week off to come here? See you soon.
