Thursday, September 24, 2015

San Diego for the weekend

Very fortunate to get some consulting work in SD and make it back for a weekend.  Spirit Airlines for $140 RT if you do not need miles to make certain status levels.  We paid $20 extra to get emergency exit row seating.  Our company was notified today of an SBIR entrance to negotiation,  The letter indicated "A committee of government scientists, engineers, and technical managers reviewed a field of 320 proposals submitted in response to the SBIR xxx solicitation and recommended your proposal as a promising approach . . ."  This highlights that we have some great technology.


  1. Looks like a beautiful evening. Hello to Nathan. Is Nichole in Phoenix already?

  2. Nicole is in Phoenix this weekend. She's starting the job on Tuesday.

  3. What is the job? I didn't hear anything about this.

  4. Fantastic Chris- (the potential Govt. job, if I understand correctly). We saw a very good movie last night during one of the few Friday nights your folks are in town, BRIDGE OF SPIES.
