Monday, March 28, 2016

Big Bend, Texas

Tui and I spent Easter weekend at Big Bend.  A very long drive from Dallas but well worth it.  It has views similar to the Grand Canyon with very few people around.  Lots of great hikes to do. 

This is a hike through Boot Canyon.  This was on the return from the South Rim.

This is a view from the South Rim.  It is a 12 mile round trip hike but well worth it.  The trail follows the rim for about 1 mile before moving away from it.  It is about a 2000 ft drop.

Here is a blow up of someone sitting on the edge of the 2000 ft cliff having lunch.

Natural Infinity Jacuzzi.  105 degrees from a natural spring and flows over into the Rio Grande.  Mexico on the other side.

The park borders on Mexico and at points in the park, Mexicans come across the Rio Grande in a canoe and place their trinkets for sale with a collection box.  They then watch them from the Mexican side of the border.  Not sure where Trump's wall is going to go.
Ocotillos in full bloom across the park.  Lots of different wild flowers and cactuses in bloom.

 This is the view from South Rim.  We had lunch here.

Trees have a tough time surviving on the Rim.


  1. Beautiful! I may have been in that hot pool on the edge of the Rio Grand about 20 years ago!
