Saturday, September 4, 2010

I know you all would love to help me with my homework :)

Since our family seems to talk about politics alot and I am taking AP government who better to ask for help on homework???

1. Philosophical & Historical events that factored into framing the US constitution. Between eletism and pluralism which had a larger impact on the constitution. What are important characteristics that define the overall success of the constitution.

2. impact of news media shaping American politics. How has mass media altered the political landscape in the last 5 years. (specific examples)

3. Information on the evolution of American popular political participation from 1718 to the present


  1. Well, those are very good questions. That sounds like a good education! I would like to hear your answers!

  2. Hi Nicole,

    My head hurts just trying to UNDERSTAND the questions!

    Number 2 brings to mind a frequent complaint of mine regarding reading newspapers on line.... I think when we read newspapers on line rather than having the black and white paper in front of us we tend to choose to read only articles which we agree with politically, or which are about a topic that is particularly interesting to us. Whereas, when I read the morning paper I read generally the whole thing. I might not agree with all I read but I do read and think about opinions that I do not hold. So, if everybody tends to read on line like I do, and if old fashioned newspapers were to be completely replaced with computer news which seems to be the trend of the future, we would as a society be less well rounded in our opinions and knowledge base, and even more likely to see thinks as being one sided. This would polarize even more our political process.

  3. Hey Nicole,

    Regarding number 2 again.... Have a look at the recent news hype regarding the Galvaston preacher planning to burn the Koran on 9/11. This is a nobody who has a following of only 50 members, but due to media hype he is getting international attension and could potentially alter impressions of the US around the world. The media is CREATING this situation.

    That's the news media today.

  4. This sounds like a semester's worth of homework. We just returned from Philadelphia where we toured Independence Hall where the constitution was born. One of the most difficult issues was the balance between the power of a central government and the power of the individual colonies to govern themselves (as they were used to doing). This is still a major issue, e.g., recent Arizona law to require proof of legal resident status whereas immigration is the responsibility of the federal government.
