Thursday, July 28, 2011


Ben and I are taking a fiddling class this summer. We had our first performance which sounded awful! Ben's comment was that Jamie (the boy next to him) was playing too fast. Bob was watching Liam on the playground, and came over to hear us. He said for a moment he thought we were just "warming up," but then realized we were playing a piece.

Thankfully, we were not playing in OUR neighborhood. I hope nobody from work spotted me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Sarah

Enjoy the last year of 40s.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reunion pics

Here are a few pics - there don't seem to be any of Natalie and Audrey.  Do you have any Melissa?


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Please Post Photos From the Reunion

Liam and I have returned to rainy and cold Seattle. I'm so happy we had a few days in New York to swim and boat. It was great to see everyone. Wish it could have been longer!

Tim and Chris-- pleas post some of your photos.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Finally, summer is here.

Ben's birthday cake, and scenes from our day at Susie's. She's put the property on the market again. I'm trying to convince some well off friends to buy the big house, and we'll buy a small share to include the studio over the garage. They are nibbling at the bait so maybe...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Ben

9 years old, wow!!  Are you having a party?  We'll see you in one week.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

First swim of the year.

After spreading compost for a couple of hours I was very ready for a swim.  The water was a wonderful temperature, refreshing but not cold.  It is probably the latest first swim ever.  I hope the weeds and grass stay hidden under the compost for at least 2 weeks.

Friday, July 1, 2011


I have been back from Tucson for a week now and I am just barley getting over the heat I absorbed over there; 110 during the day and in the high 80s at night! Orientation consisted of mainly informative speeches about where we will be living, how to register for classes, and where we will eat on campus (hopefully I will not catch the freshman 15).
Though I wanted to make my schedule so that I would start no earlier than 10, every day I start at 8:00am. Classes that I am taking are "Calc 1", "Pre Business", "Patterns in Pre History", "Weather (or something)", & "Philosophy and Morality".

I guess my dad just bought our plane tickets to New York so I will see you guys in a week or so!


While writing this post I was drinking a delicious cup of raspberry tea, thanks Auntie Sarah, Ben, Liam, & Bob!