Friday, July 1, 2011


I have been back from Tucson for a week now and I am just barley getting over the heat I absorbed over there; 110 during the day and in the high 80s at night! Orientation consisted of mainly informative speeches about where we will be living, how to register for classes, and where we will eat on campus (hopefully I will not catch the freshman 15).
Though I wanted to make my schedule so that I would start no earlier than 10, every day I start at 8:00am. Classes that I am taking are "Calc 1", "Pre Business", "Patterns in Pre History", "Weather (or something)", & "Philosophy and Morality".

I guess my dad just bought our plane tickets to New York so I will see you guys in a week or so!


While writing this post I was drinking a delicious cup of raspberry tea, thanks Auntie Sarah, Ben, Liam, & Bob!


  1. Your classes sound very interesting. Makes me wish to go to school. (not really)

  2. 'Patterns in Pre-History' sounds very intresting. I bet Arizona has an archeology department with lots of great classes and field work.... Getting dirty under the hot sun; just your thing!

    The tea set, drinks, etc. are for you to share with new friends in your dorm. It's nice to have something to offer people when they come over. A cup of tea also provides a good end point for a visitor you're not too thrilled about! FOr example: "Well, thanks for stopping in and giving me an excuse to have a cup of tea. I've got to get back to _____ now."

    Did you see anything of the blazing wildfires in AZ?

  3. Sounds like a full class load, lots of interesting readings. When will you get here?

  4. Yes Aunt Sarah I LOVE getting dirty... not! But no I did not hear anything about the wildfires, hopefully they aren't around Tucson.

    Grandma my mom said we are taking the red eye on the 8th.
