Thursday, July 28, 2011


Ben and I are taking a fiddling class this summer. We had our first performance which sounded awful! Ben's comment was that Jamie (the boy next to him) was playing too fast. Bob was watching Liam on the playground, and came over to hear us. He said for a moment he thought we were just "warming up," but then realized we were playing a piece.

Thankfully, we were not playing in OUR neighborhood. I hope nobody from work spotted me.


  1. But it looked like a perfect day and you guys looked quite comfortable doing what you were doing. Even warming up can be satisfying for the listener and the player, and anyway, one must start somewhere on the trip to Carnegie Hall.

  2. How did the second fiddling performance go?

  3. Our second performance was cancelled, but we are playing on the 12th. We'll be at Phinney Ridge, a little too close to home (I might be spotted.)
