Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted anything, these last couple weeks have been crazy! I should actually be writing a paper right now but I've decided to take a little break.

Mom & Dad came 2 weeks ago for family weekend and we went to a wine night with one of the frats on friday night, the football game on saturday, and a breakfast at the Delta Gamma house on sunday. Heres a picture of us in front of the DG letters with my roommate Jamie:

Also with DG, i just got my "Big Sis" and "Twin" last Wednesday. Throughout the week we had been getting gifs from our bigs which included clues of who they were and at the end of the week there was a ceremony where all of my pledge class stood in a circle holding champagne glasses and the older girls went in and out pouring champagne (apple cider) into our glasses. While many girls would come and pour a little, the one who overflows yours was your big. Everyone loved it and I was extremely happy with my big, Rachel. Heres a picture of our glasses:

My "Family", (Me, Big Rachel, Twin Tory):

In order to be a part of a fraternity or sorority you have to do community service hours for the cause that your orginization supports, this past weekend the Frat Pikapp held their event "War of Roses" which is a competition between all the 12 sororities on campus in events such as talent show, olympics, football, bto, and fundraising. Delta Gamma ended up winning every single event which had never happened before. heres a picture of Tory and I cheering on Rachel at the Talent show:

So to sum it up, school has really been fun. I am going to the library in about 30 minutes with Rach and some of the other DG girls who are in my classes to work on an essay and study for math so I will see you guys at Thanksgiving or if not Christmas.

- Nicole


  1. Glad to hear that you are having fun, Nicole. It also sounds like you are spending time on academics. Nice pics and good to see something new on the blog. We've been having trouble posting our comments from Seattle-this is a different computer, hope it works.

  2. Nicole,

    So good to hear from you. I've been thinking alot about you and wondering how you were doing. Sounds like GREAT!

    Did you participate in any of the events, like the talent show?

  3. Glad you added the last sentence on going to the library.

