Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Liam

Sorry I missed the actual day.  We went to the lake in a hurry Friday night and forgot the WiFi device so we were cut off all weekend until we got home this morning.  Hope you had a fun time.  We'll see you in a couple of weeks.

Desert in Bloom

April is one of the nicest months for hiking in San Diego.  These are from our hike up Mt Woodson this past weekend.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Auntie Pam

Mom please contact Amy or Becky this is concerning Auntie Pam.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Change

From this (103 degrees on Sunday).......
 It was a very interesting and fun three days in Tucson.  Good food, good desert countryside surrounding the city, good fun in the pool, good company, and lots left to do next time.
To this!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catching up

In transferring pictures from my camera to my computer, I was reminded that I never posted about our trip to Harrisburg to see Auntie Pam.  Here are some pictures of her grandchildren and great grandchildren, at least the young ones.  Missing are Rachel's 3 and Adam's 2 children (who are mostly adults) but I have pictures of most of them that I will share in Tucson.  Everyone was there except Elaina.

Some are clearer in this one.

Pam was hard to read.  At times she made expressions that looked agonized but Ron thought she was expressing emotion.  It was hard to know if she recognized us at all.  It seems like she doesn't use her right side much.  Although she can move the right arm and leg some, it seems as though she does more with the left ones.  She is left handed, so that side would be dominant.  Maybe weakness on the right side is why she doesn't walk anymore.    

Wednesday, April 11, 2012



I had started writing this post about 2 hours ago but my friend Nicole called me screaming about how she got to the last round in a contest so I got distracted.

I am really excited for everyone to come out to Tucson in a couple weeks! The weather has been really nice (a little on the hot side), so pack a lot of shorts and short sleeved shirts, its 12am right now and it is still 72 degrees!

Auntie Sarah, I'm not sure what you have planned for the weekend but a couple friends have told me about some hikes that they have been on which might interest you.

I am finishing up studying for my philosophy test tomorrow then going to sleep, if I get an A on this test I am on track to getting an A in the class so wish me luck!

XOXO Nicole

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Birthday mom

Happy Birthday from all of us and Bailey.