Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catching up

In transferring pictures from my camera to my computer, I was reminded that I never posted about our trip to Harrisburg to see Auntie Pam.  Here are some pictures of her grandchildren and great grandchildren, at least the young ones.  Missing are Rachel's 3 and Adam's 2 children (who are mostly adults) but I have pictures of most of them that I will share in Tucson.  Everyone was there except Elaina.

Some are clearer in this one.

Pam was hard to read.  At times she made expressions that looked agonized but Ron thought she was expressing emotion.  It was hard to know if she recognized us at all.  It seems like she doesn't use her right side much.  Although she can move the right arm and leg some, it seems as though she does more with the left ones.  She is left handed, so that side would be dominant.  Maybe weakness on the right side is why she doesn't walk anymore.    

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