Friday, July 27, 2012

50 Feels Good

I like this photo. It was taken at our friend's place on 4th of July.

 We are having cake very late tonight because Bob, who is also 50, forgot to turn the oven on before he put the cake in!

Happy Birthday Sarah

This is the only recent picture I have.  Not bad of you but the setting could be better.  Have fun fishing.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Savannah Group

Here is the group photo from Savannah.  Too bad Cameron is not looking up.  Everyone else is quite clear. Who has the dinner group from Oconee? 

New Stroller

Cameron and Sydney enjoying the new double decker stroller.

Hiking Table Rock.

Fun time in Savannah.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Here's a brief snap shot of the trip to Savannah which started out with a nice breakfast in the United Club; then a three hour wait on the runway; followed by an unexpected stay in Houston (having missed the connecting flight) and a nice hotel breakfast; followed by a joyous arrival in Savannah (Finally!) and lots of fun with the cousins and hanging out at night at Ellis Square.
Hello everyone, how was the balance of the trip?  Where are the pictures and posts to the blog?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Benjamin

Anything special planned for today?  Hope you have fun!!!  We will see you next week.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Great Family Camping Trip

  We went camping with 3 other families this past weekend. Although it rained on Saturday we had a fantastic trip. Lottie came face to face with a racoon eating mussels out on the tidal flats. She froze, and think was very relieved when I called her to me. Those 'coons' are well fed by both the tidal flats and marshmallows they steal in the camp ground, and I'm sure could do great damage to a dog. I had no idea that they swam, but Bob saw the one in the photo below enter the water and swim away.

The island in the above photo is completely above water at low tide, and all the kids, and most of the adults hiked around on it. I am so afraid of heights, that I almost vomitted seeing the kids so close to the edge.