Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Great Family Camping Trip

  We went camping with 3 other families this past weekend. Although it rained on Saturday we had a fantastic trip. Lottie came face to face with a racoon eating mussels out on the tidal flats. She froze, and think was very relieved when I called her to me. Those 'coons' are well fed by both the tidal flats and marshmallows they steal in the camp ground, and I'm sure could do great damage to a dog. I had no idea that they swam, but Bob saw the one in the photo below enter the water and swim away.

The island in the above photo is completely above water at low tide, and all the kids, and most of the adults hiked around on it. I am so afraid of heights, that I almost vomitted seeing the kids so close to the edge.


  1. Wow, really nice inviting pictures. The muscles are so plentiful. Can you eat them? Looked like the star fish was eating them anyway. Fun. Where was this, on the sound?

  2. Hi Janice,

    This is Salt Creek Recreation Area about an hour past Sequim going West from Seattle on the Olympic Peninsula. Very lovely. There is a lava flow called Tongue Point that stick out into the Straits of Juan de Fuca which provides fabulous grounds for mussels and other sea creatures. We wondered too if you could eat the mussels. We didn't try.

    Hey, I was talking to an 84 year old patient of mine who scares squirrels away from his house with an air gun that fires a pellet into them. It hurts, but doesn't kill.

  3. Nice pictures! Is the water cold?

  4. The water is VERY cold. Wading only.

  5. Looks like a lot of fun. No whales this time?
