Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Grad Nathan

His whole class is spending the afternoon and all night at Disneyland. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Tui

Hope you're having a great day!  Who cooks when your birthday falls on Fathers Day?  See you Tuesday.  We get in about 10:15 am..

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Dock!

 Alex and his son Dean really helped build the dock.

 Lots of muck and mud.... Thankfully no leaches.

 Work in progress.

 Almost there.
We used the footprint of the old dock to shape the new floating dock. It still moves around quite a bit, but we're getting there.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy bday!

Happy Late Birthday Grandpa! I am currently writing this off my office computer. Work starts around 9 and I got here early today. It has been a good experience so far. Just meeting new people, getting up at 6AM (the hardest part), and being in an office environment from 9AM-6PM. I have made some friends who are also interning through the same program so I have been hanging out with them as well as my friends from school.

See you next week for Nathans graduation!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

News From the NorthWest / Shadow Lake update

 Boats in the backyard. Waiting transport.

 Building the boat trailer.

 Our cabin....
We have been busy with baseball, piano recitals and Shadow Lake. Liam had his end of year recital on Friday, and played his piece beautifully! No mistakes. I've uploaded the video for your listening pleasure.

Sorry...technical difficulties.

Both boys are now finished with baseball, so we can go back to family dinners in the evening. 2 more weeks of school before summer.

I meanwhile have been out at Shadow Lake every chance I get. The trailer is gone, and the junk cleared away. The saplings are all cut down, and their roots dug up. My friend Alex and I are starting on the walkway to the dock this Tuesday. I am so excited. Meanwhile, our backyard has filled up with boats: the photo below shows my major score: a 1970's Sunfish in beautiful shape. I also found a rowboat/sailboat in reasonable shape on craigslist. To get the boats out to the lake, we've had to buy a boat trailer. You can see Bob and Ben working on it in the photo below. The trailer in the bottom photo is soon to be  a small changing house/bathroom with composting toilet.... I have to get the other projects done first.

Anyways, I'll post photos of the dock when it's completed; hopefully by the end of this week.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Saturday was prom night for Nathan

Ben's Moment of Fame at the Mariner's Game


Ben made a great pitch to the Mariner’s catcher! He was very pleased, as were the other Ballard Little Leaguers at the game. Ben was very excited to have been chosen. We were in the pre-game parade down around the green, and Ben had worn his full uniform, Bob had told him to tuck in his shirt, so he was really stylish.  Apparently the full uniform was the reason he was picked.
Ben has had a very good season, and has been pitching for his team, so he was ready for this. The distance from the mound to home plate is further on the  real field though, than it is for the kids’ ball. He did a great job, and hit the catcher’s mitt. If you look up to the left in the photo you can see Ben’s name on the board.  (I've posted Sarah's email message)