Saturday, January 3, 2015

Some pictures of Christmas Vacation

Here are a few pictures for those who do not have facebook.

Selfie with a great smile from the girls.

Greatest selfie though Tim and Camaron are up the street and not in the picture.

Waiting for seating at a nice restaurant.

Borrowing hats from the store.  Fortunately mom paid for a nice chess piece after this picture.

Another selfie
Mom and Dad at the windy place enjoying predinner drinks.  Thanks for a great vacation.

Dad and I getting ready to open Christmas presents the evening after Christmas.

Our catch of the day being prepared.  We had a great fishing trip catching around 60 fish including grouper, trigger, snapper, and grunt.

The Smith's enjoying their predinner drinks
 Nicole holding her queen trigger fish.  A very pretty fish and makes a great fillet.


  1. Thanks for posting Chris. We took almost no pics thi year. Somebody please send me one of Nathan with barracuda.

  2. Thanks for posting Chris. Looks like a good year. Sorry I missed it.... Happy New Year!
