Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy Mexico everyone. We'll miss you.


  1. Chris and Tui you packages arrived yesterday morning. Thank you very much. Ben left the house at 3AM bound for the airport in his new sweatshirt, and I wore my beautiful sweater to a party last night.

    Bob and the boys are off for Connecticut. I leave tonight on a red-eye.

    Miss you all.

  2. Those glasses produce a beautiful sound. Enjoy your Connecticut Chrustmas!

  3. Hi Sarah -- The music is so lovely, with the notes lasting and overlapping as they might in an ancient reverberant church. For just a few minutes they could heard above the wretched bang bang bang sort of music from the beach bar 100 yards to the south of us (not to complain of course especially as it stopped! Yaah).) We are due at Uncle Ron and Aunt Jeanies and Jeff and Missy's apartments in 3 minutes. See you in the not too distant future

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us


  4. Merry Christmas to all your family! That was beautiful, Sarah.

  5. What music!! Hope you had a great holiday.
