Sunday, February 22, 2015

Benefits of living close to work

One of the drawback of living in CA was the long drive to work.  Have now replaced the 30 minute drive each way with a 30 minute walk to and from work.  Note 15 of the miles each week are on a bike.  I am surprised no one has done a study on proximity to work vs health.


  1. Good question, but there must be a sweet spot between working at home in pajamas and driving 50 miles at the rush hours twice a day. Sounds like you are getting close to the sweet spot. Keep it up!
    Love Dad

  2. Are you avoiding the donuts and other processed carbs (including noodles and rice) and focusing on eating protein and good fats? I'm very sure that doing so coupled with the exercise will cause you to lose 25 pounds in 2 months.

    1. Cut out most of the junk food. Still eating noodles and rice but perhaps a little bit less.

  3. Great going, you should be losing over a lb. per week. Even if you're not, it's got to make you healthy and fit. Do you have ice and cold cutting into your workout this week?

  4. Yes. Ice in the roads. My car was the only one in the parking lot today. Typically 35. Even at 15 miles an hour the back end swings when you hit patches of ice. Reminds me of Tims car at Big Bear. I did the elliptical for 30 minutes at lunch.

  5. Good work Chris. I have put on 30(!!!) pounds in the last 15 years. I was totally committed to taking 15 of it off, and bought a scale the first week of January, started getting up at 6AM to do Yoga, and was, in the spirit of yoga, "embracing hunger." I lasted about 10 days, and now am back to my old ways of snacking and sleeping in.

    Maybe I should move closer to work....

    1. Very hard to keep it up. I gained more than 15 pounds in my last 6 months at Cobham but now have got back to my average over the last 8 years. Unfortunately this average is 30 pounds higher than the rating for obese.

  6. Hi Sarah,
    I am planning to be in Seattle this summer, probably July 2.It would go to Sequim July 3. Are you going to be around? My email is kalyanikmadhu {at} gmail.
