Monday, July 26, 2010

GP Jim

The angiogram and stent insertion went smoothly and Jim is now feeling fine and sleeping off the anesthetic.  They found 90% blockage where the right coronary artery joins with the aorta, inserted a stent, and all is well.  No heart damage.  They went in through his wrist instead of his groin so that part is easier to take. It all took about an hour and a half.  He will stay in the hospital overnight and come home in the morning.  He can do normal activities except no lifting with his right hand for about 5 days and no strenuous exercise.  They also found a 50% blockage point in the left coronary artery but the doctor said that is nothing to worry about, they will treat it with meds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom and Dad,

    Glade to hear dad's procedure went well. We just picked up Bailey from her Doctor's office she got spayed and had her rear dewclaws removed. She is very sad right now and does't the cone but she must have it on for 2 weeks.

