Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Sarah

We hope you have a great day Sarah.  Dad is home now and feeling good.  We took a walk up the street which is the extent of what he is supposed to do for the next few days.  Next week he can start to exercise again but build up slowly.


  1. Belated Happy Birthday, Sarah.
    I actually posted a comment on the day, but it vanished.

  2. Happy Belated. I hope when it's my b-day, nobody posts a picture from the angle this one was taken :)!

  3. What was Mom thinking when she posted that picture?!

    Anyways thanks for the Happy B.'s. I actually forgot it was my birthday on Tuesday until I looked at the blog. THAT was a rude reminder.

    I did have a fun day. The boys and I went out to a friend's lake and spent the day in the water. We have a pump up 4-person raft, and I showed them how to come up into the air pocket underneath the upside down boat. They had hours of fun with that.

  4. Sarah, you don't look anything like that. Hardly anybody does.
