Wednesday, February 29, 2012

what inventions would be most valuble to you?

what do people want or need that can actually be invented?

it can be something new or something that will be improved.

discribe the invention and put how it works and what it does.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

San Diego

Saturday Chris and Bailey (the dog) and I went for a 5 mile round trip hike up Cowles mountain.  It was a perfect day for hiking, sunny but not too hot.  The  freshly trimmed path was fragrant with sage and the wild flowers were just starting and the views were quite magnificent.  It was exhausting but I was glad to have done it.  Tim and family arrived later that day and the twins were the center of attention - very cute age.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photos from Cama Beach

We hiked to Cranberry Lake after lunch today. I had to drag the boys out on the hike, but by the time they got to the lake they didn't want to turn around and go back! Can you spot Liam? He has been very busy this week playing army, and trying to camaflage himself into his surroundings. He did a pretty good job here....
The lake was very bog like, and surrounded by deciduous Cottonwood trees; reminds me of the East coast in fall, so pretty.
The picture of me was taken by Bob. The cabins are equiped with only microwaves, so I had to cook on our camp stove outside. We had salmon, rice and sauteed spinach last night. All very yummy considering the gale I was cooking in. I think though, next time I might just buy some ready made microwavable dinners if anybody can recommend a particular brand.
If you look on the bench next to me you can see a very long piece of kelp that we were using as a double jumprope. The carts we brought our stuff down in are leaning against the cabin.

Cama Beach on Camano Island

We spent 2 nights in a rustic cabin at Cama Beach over winter break. A welcome relief from our house, as the basement is unusable, and the back-yard is full of construction material. During the summer months the cabins are completely full. Reservations are made at least a year in advance. We, however, had practically the whole camp to ourselves. Except for the park vehicles, there are no cars allowed at the historic section where the cabins are. We had to park in a lot about 1/2 mile from the cabin, and load our stuff into carts which we steered down a hill to the beach. A shuttle picked us up this morning. Thank goodness as the hill was very steep, and I don't think the boys would have been pulling their load!

Although sunny yesturday, the wind was ripping. I was afraid to go on the hikes in the forest for fear of falling limbs, so the boys and I stayed close by the beach. Bob drove out after work, about 1 hour's trip, and spent the night last night.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hi everyone!

I hope you guys are all doing well. This week has been really crazy for me and I've been up till 3am almost every day studying! I had a test this morning in philosophy which I feel really good about and I have a Bio and Spanish test tomorrow. (I am currently writing this in the Delta Gamma study room where I have practically lived for the last couple weeks).

On the subject of Auntie Sarah and the kids coming to Tucson, one of my friends recently went to Mt. Lemon and Sabino Canyon which i guess are an hour, and thirty minutes away respectively and said it was a great hike. The pictures I saw of the view from the mountain were really nice and I think the Sabino canyon hike has a waterfall you can go to (not sure if there is swimming though).

Gotta get back to studying!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl sunday feast.

Chris brought home lots of rock cod from the overnight fishing trip. We made Korean style hot pot and fish tacos.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The caged monkeys

I'm not sure if this will open with the correct orientation as it was taken with the iphone video.

Cameron walking


I'm trying to see if Tim's video will upload correctly.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Milestone for Cameron

Melissa left a message yesterday that Cameron took her first two steps.  Tim, you should post a video.  By the time we see her again, I'm sure she will be quite mobile.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Hope  you have a great day.

We'll have to do a joint celebration when you are here in a few weeks.

Ben's First Orchestra Concert.

My goodness, Ben's group sounded really good! They have a beginning bass player who really adds depth to the beginning pieces they are playing!