Wednesday, February 29, 2012

what inventions would be most valuble to you?

what do people want or need that can actually be invented?

it can be something new or something that will be improved.

discribe the invention and put how it works and what it does.


  1. Ben is supposed to survey people about this question for a project due March 5th.

  2. I would like to have something to hold my Kindle while I'm reading in bed so my arms wouldn't get tired. It could have an arm that attaches to the side of the bed and comes up over my head, possibly with a goose neck. It would need a frame at the end that the Kindle would fit into with the reading side down. I would have to be able to touch the screen to turn the pages.

    It would be even better if the Kindle were improved with an alarm that I could set to wake me up in the morning and with a touch of the screen bring up the NY Times for me to read.

  3. Grandma i really like the idea! that is some thing i could acualy make. once i invent it i will send it off to amazon and i will give you one for free. i am going to get a patent on this invention.

  4. Ben, I think you should add a small night light and a remote for turning the pages so you don't have to move your arm from under the warm covers.

  5. Good idea about the remote but my Kindle is backlit so I don't need a night light to read. May need different options for different Kindle models.


    It looks like Grandma's idea would put Ben in the category of improving something that already exists - here's a link to Ben's competition (although this is for an ipad) and it looks pretty snazzy! Maybe Ben could add a cup holder and a little shelf for ear plugs.

  7. This invention will be an improvement on some few inventions that are being tried out. The problem is that electric cars are so quiet that pedestrians are known to walk in front of them. Data show that electric cars are twice as likely to hit pedestrians as regular gasoline powered cars. In response the Nissen is going to make a whirring noise going forward and ring a bell when in reverse, and Chevy is thinking that the Volt may make a chirping noise. However, the idea came from riding in Uncle Tim's Lamborghini, which makes an awesome rumbling thunderous noise when accelerating. Seems that the horn speakers in front of the car could be coupled to a sound system that was sensitive to speed and acceleration, and simulated the sound of a Lamborghini moving in the same way. However, other drivers may prefer a Ferrari or a Chevrolet muscle car, and may also like variety. So it would be beneficial to package a number of alternatives in the installed system, and customize the choices for the buyer. I am sure that an electrical engineer/computer whiz could make this work, so you may have to go to school for a few years before production. Or maybe you could start a company that hired some of the already trained professionals. No doubt there would have to be business agreements with the special car companies to use their cars, or else you will be sued. So you may also have to go to Law School, or possible your company could hire some good lawyers. And you would need lawyers to patent the idea. Or maybe you could package it so it would work on a smart phone, and just sell it as an App.
    Best of luck

    1. Oh, and I should point out, that no one would try to walk across the street if they could hear a nearby Lamborghini thundering in the distance but getting louder and louder. This invention may be a lifesaver for the visually impaired and chronic cell phone pedestrians.

  8. Here is another invention that I could use - an alarm clock with a choice of wakeup sounds for each day of the week, including the possibility of a recorded message. Then each Wednesday I could have it say "remember your pill" and I wouldn't forget to take it before I eat or drink.

  9. So Ben, how did your assignment turn out?

  10. Ben,

    Sorry I was late with my invention need. I need something to get my children to do their homework on time. I was thinking something shaped like a stick. Just kidding.

    Actually Tui had a great idea we should have posted earlier. It is a plate with a scale on it such that you could weigh the food you are eating at every meal. This would sell like hot cakes.

    Hopefully the project went well.

    Uncle Chris.

  11. my asighnment went well. i haven't turned in my progect yet because i was sick. so i can add chris's invention idea.
