Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cama Beach on Camano Island

We spent 2 nights in a rustic cabin at Cama Beach over winter break. A welcome relief from our house, as the basement is unusable, and the back-yard is full of construction material. During the summer months the cabins are completely full. Reservations are made at least a year in advance. We, however, had practically the whole camp to ourselves. Except for the park vehicles, there are no cars allowed at the historic section where the cabins are. We had to park in a lot about 1/2 mile from the cabin, and load our stuff into carts which we steered down a hill to the beach. A shuttle picked us up this morning. Thank goodness as the hill was very steep, and I don't think the boys would have been pulling their load!

Although sunny yesturday, the wind was ripping. I was afraid to go on the hikes in the forest for fear of falling limbs, so the boys and I stayed close by the beach. Bob drove out after work, about 1 hour's trip, and spent the night last night.


  1. What a wind!! What did you do all day? Doesn't look like it would be easy to walk the beach. Hope you took some cabin games.

  2. I must admit, at times it felt like I'd jumped "out of the frying pan and into the fire!" At least at home there's the TV for the boys to watch, and the cabin was about 12' x 16'. However, when it got too noisy they seemed happy enough to go outside and play. There was lots for them to explore and do on the beach. Walking the beach wasn't too bad. I dressed warmly, and the boys seem impervious to cold. The water was so rough the I was afraid to let Lottie off the leash. She's such a fanatic swimmer I thought she'd charge out into the swells and be swept away.

    I brought a jig-saw puzzle which I did most of. We played some cards. We also took our small DVD player and stopped at the library for some DVDs prior to leaving Seattle. Unfortunately, Liam dropped the player off the top bunk yesterday morning, and the DVD no longer turns around. I could have wept! Definately a greater loss for me than the boys.
