Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hi everyone!

I hope you guys are all doing well. This week has been really crazy for me and I've been up till 3am almost every day studying! I had a test this morning in philosophy which I feel really good about and I have a Bio and Spanish test tomorrow. (I am currently writing this in the Delta Gamma study room where I have practically lived for the last couple weeks).

On the subject of Auntie Sarah and the kids coming to Tucson, one of my friends recently went to Mt. Lemon and Sabino Canyon which i guess are an hour, and thirty minutes away respectively and said it was a great hike. The pictures I saw of the view from the mountain were really nice and I think the Sabino canyon hike has a waterfall you can go to (not sure if there is swimming though).

Gotta get back to studying!



  1. Great to hear from you Nicole. That hike sounds pretty good. Hopefully there's swimming in the waterfall pool. I'll look into that....

  2. Love seeing your post Nicole. See you in April when I hope you won't be too busy to do some hiking/sight-seeing with us.

  3. Grams,

    I might be coming home next weekend and I heard that you will be in town! My friend Brandon is going to SD for a business conference thing so I might just tag along for the ride. Hopefully it all works out. Also, just checked my spanish test grade, I got an 85.5% so maybe ill be speaking some spanish by this christmas.

    1. Hola Nicole, all good news. Hope we see you next weekend.
