Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Celebrations in Seattle

Ben's concert was very enjoyable, reminiscent of the old days.  His band played very well and he looked fantastic.

Last night we had the family Christmas with dinner at Anthony's on the bay, beautiful site.  Today we are busy getting ready for the annual Christmas music party. 


  1. Looks like a great time and Ben does look great. His hair reminds me of a time when Nathan had his hair that long and one of my workmates saw a picture of the family and said I have two beautiful girls.

    Did Ben get the Clams? We often now make clams at home. Incredibly easy, fast, and very tasty. Live clams for $5 per lb at the Asian food store.

  2. You need to have the waiter/tress take the picture at the restaurant so mom can be in it to. That is what the tip is for.
