Monday, May 10, 2010

Dogs. Big dogs and little dogs...

Tui, what an adorable little puppy you have! Ben wants to take the next plane down to San Diego to play with her.
Lottie is very mellow today after spending half of yeturday in the country; first swimming at Susie Blue's lake, and then playing with the other dogs in her agility class. Yes, Lottie is again in school. She's had 3 obedience classes already which, ask anyone, she(we) has (have) failed. Even our old neighbor David would agree. One day I heard him calling to me so I went around the house and there was David on the sidewalk in a standoff with Lottie who had a large sock in her mouth. I guess the gate had not been locked and Lottie had escaped, run into the neighbor's house, and stole some of his laundry! Unbelievable! Thankfully David was gracious and not too upset. I had always thought him an odd ball. I thought better of him after that.
Anyways, Lottie started agility class and it is very fun. There is an obstacle course she must learn with planks, and teeter-totters, and jumps and hoops. She seems to take to it naturally. At least she shows no fear on the apparatus, and once she learned there's food at the other end she screamed right over/through the obstacles. Her classmates are all labrador mixes, 2 of them Dozer, and Jorden, should probably be in remedial school, but this is all fun and games, and who cares if the dogs do the tricks anyways right? I'm sure they are a little upset to be in class with a completely hyperactive dog who, when she is not busy doing the tricks superbly, is dragging her owner over the field and playfully entangling leashes with the other classmates. We did work on "heal" and "leave it." Now if I could only find time to practice with her....


  1. Lottie is very sweet but she will be even sweeter when she learns "leave it" and "stay".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sarah,

    Our dogs name is Bailey. So far she has only learned to sit, rollover, speak, and play dead. We have got her to stay but she can only do it for five minutes. The first day we got her she was stealing our socks. Yesterday we taught her how to use the washer. We are still working on the dryer.

  4. Chris, are you hiding behind Tui's name?

  5. Lottie will be arriving in San Diego at 6AM tomorrow on Continental flight 621. Please send her back on Monday. I'll pay the return ticket price. Let me know how much it comes to.

  6. Tim, does your dog have a personal trainer and what is his/her name?

  7. We have also taught Bailey some gardening tricks (mostly fertilzer based) so perhaps we should send her your way.

  8. Chris, I am sending you yet another invite to join this blog. Tim figured it out, you can too.

  9. If you guys are collecting troublesome dogs, I have two ready to ship. They were just groomed, and I will include paper towels, plastic bags and gloves, and several bottles of rug cleaner.

  10. Hi Kamala!

    Tim would love a second dog.

    Happy birthday to Jim.

  11. (Chris) Bailey just completed her first fertilization of the rug in Nicole's room. It is now ready for planting.

  12. Lucky you Nicole!

    How is Grace getting along with Bailey?

  13. (chris) They are getting along good. Gracie is pretty patient with her as she pulls on here tail and bites her back legs. When it gets too much she lets here know. I am not sure what will happen when Bailey gets a little older.

  14. (Chris)


    You should be congratulating me for posting more times in one week than anyone in the history of the Ison family.
