Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Low Tides and "Twinkle"

This past week-end was fun and full.

Ben played "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with 30 other violin students at the recital hall of Benaroya this week-end. He was very relieved when his performance was over and he got to sit down with us and watch the rest of the show. The concert was called Mosaic, and was a collection of community players doing players' choice--opera selections, jazz, fiddling, classical. My favorite was a clarinet quartet by students from Ben's music school. We were also happily surprised to see Liam's new paino teacher in a sonata for flute and piano.

Spring is the time of super low tides around the sound. Bob took the boys tide pooling at Carkeek beach on Saturday. Liam discovered a hermit crab colony. In this photo Ben is holding a dead Dungeness crab that Bob found in the eel grass.


  1. Congratulations Ben on your first performance. Wish we could have been there.

  2. AH, the sound. A nice place to raise kids. Do you ever wish it was the ocean?

  3. Never.

    I like the tranquility of the Sound's waters. You can kayak and sail pretty small boats without too much worry, yet you still get all the salt water creatures. Last year I bought a crab pot and the boys and I crabbed from the docks around Seattle. We didn't eat the crabs 'cuz I was worried about pollutants(though people do), but we did pull up lots crabs and 2 varieties of star fish. Fun!

  4. hmmm, well I see what you mean. My sister lives near a sensationally beautiful coast in No.CAlif. There we walk in the sand and enjoy the beauty. And here, we swim, kayak, sail (some do), canoe in our wonderful Lake Ontario.

    However, I remember when I lived in Seattle wishing we were closer to the ocean. We only looked at the Sound.

  5. The picture of the musicians reminds me of Kalyani describing a first year concert long ago, featuring Twinkle, Twinkle and the audience gasping in collective horror at the first note. (The Madhus are taking over your blog-we're very good at commenting.)

  6. Yes, I remember how painful the training band concerts were but they soon improved,to the joy of doting parents. Keep up the comments.

  7. The Isons most definately need some help in the comment department....

    Ben and I went to his elementary school concert yesturday which could have easily been titled "A Collective Gasp."

    Ben's concert was nothing like that-- very professional! His suzuki instructor began with only the advanced students and as the music decreased in complexity the intermediate, and then beginner students would walk onto the stage and ADD their voices. The other artists were all very good-- most of them were faculty on the staff of the 2 music schools involved and they generally chose peices that were fun and would appeal to a younger audience. Very enjoyable!

  8. Ben looks good, right? Nice elbow, nice wrist?

  9. Ben's position is getting better. His teacher is a real stickler!!!!!!!! Wrist and elbow you ask, last evening we were working on L thumb and fingers, and the backwards 'C.'

    Congratulations Kalyani. How remarkable!

  10. Benjamin looks very handsome and mature. We look forward to a future private showing. (chris)
