Monday, May 24, 2010


We've had a fun time in Harrisburg.  The babies,Alex and Jonas, are very cute and I never heard either one cry.  Pam seemed to recognize us but has very little speech ability left.  There were times when she definitely was able to follow what was being said as when Natalie told about winning the math contest in her school and Pam clapped at the end.  We all had dinner at the Tokyo Diner where we've been before and the next day Ben and Jas took us to a very good Indian restaurant.  It was really nice to meet Jas's mother and father, who are here from India helping with Alex.


  1. Sorry about the picture positions. I can't seem to get them sensibly arranged.

  2. I would like to know how you do it in this arrangement, I can only seem to get them in rows.

    Nice pictures. Similar age cousins will be nice for family gatherings.

  3. Alex looks very smiley. How cute.

    I like the picture of you with your brother and sister Mom! Pam does not look quite so vacant this time.

  4. Who is that next to Auntie Jean? Is that Tony?

  5. Yes, it's Tony and his girlfriend. It was great to see him after quite a few years and he impressed us as a very nice young man. He is going into the Marines in three weeks and will be training in aircraft mechanics. Sounds like a good opportunity for him.
