Tuesday, June 23, 2015

More from the UK

We're having a great time - enjoying the sights and eating well. Had an excellent dinner last night at our Wales hotel.  Ben had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, preceded by shrimp and followed by chocolate torte.   Finally, we were able to sleep this morning until everyone woke up by themselves before 7:30 am.

 Thames Barrier
Grenwich Prime Meridian-straddling the hemispheres 

Only one he'd allow his picture with at Madame Tussaud's
Beaumaris Castle in Wales

Nature is taking over the castle.


  1. Wales looks just beautiful! The castle has a moat, how cool.
    Wow, Ben sure ate a lot at dinner. He will probably come home a foot taller! Hi Ben, write something to us. I keep missing your phone calls.

  2. Hi mom. I am having a good time. I believe that I am a little taller than grandma. The weather in the UK is really nice. No heavy rain so far. I heard that the weather in Seattle is supposed to be good during the week. I have finally adjusted to the time zone here. It is about eight hours ahead of Seattle time. At the castle in the pictures a seagull pooped on my hat. And the day after that, another gull came close but pooped right in front of me. I don't think that birds like me very much. We are going to another town in Wales for two more nights and then back to England and to visit some of grandpas cousins. This is all for now.

  3. I think a seagull pooping on your head means good luck!

    So you're taller than Grandma. WOW.

    We went out to Shadow Lake yesterday, and a 'port-a-potty' was delivered. Dinko came, and the kids spent most of the day trying to catch minnows. Talk to you soon. We miss you. Enjoy meeting the cousins.

