Monday, June 29, 2015

Two great days with UK relatives

Friday, Judy and Derek took us to the Black Country Museum, a Victorian era village that has been reassembled and is at the site of an old mine with miles of tunnels accessed by canal boat.  Afterward we had a very hearty dinner at a Carvery. We all had a very good time.

Derek is missing because he is taking the picture.

The garden behind the apothecary shop

Yesterday, Richard and Julie and Jamie, Ben, Adam, and Jack took us to dinner at one of the oldest pubs in the UK.  The food and the company were excellent.  Also visited the St Albans Cathedral and the Roman Museum and then went to their house.  We all had fun and Ben especially enjoyed the backyard play.


  1. The beams in the pub are remarkable. Also, the backyard looks perfect for soccer....long and narrow.

  2. Wow, you had to complement on the architecture. I had a fun time. On our roman museum and pub visit, Julie bought Adam, Jack, Ben and me small bags of birdseed so that we could feed the birds in the nearby park. After a while, we had a couple dozen birds following us around hoping to get more food.
    I will see you In a couple of hours, Ben

  3. Looks like everyone had had a great time.
